Bush Camping in Africa

Useful Tips for Camping in Uganda

Picture your Tent Pole breaking on you while Camping, and having to find makeshift equipment and pieces to patch it together. Camping, whether for a first-timer or frequent Camper can be scary and intimidating. Simply analyzing all the important requirements from what type of tent, camping tools and sleeping bag can be an enormous task. However, going through our useful tips for camping will help in reducing mistakes.

Select the perfect Camping gear for first-timers

As a first-time camper, it is always advisable to purchase Camping gear that makes you comfortable yet it is always overwhelming to make this decision. The essentials for any Camping trip include the Tent, headlamp and lanterns, Camp stove, a sleeping pad, a sleeping bag, Camp chairs, and Camp wear.

Be prepared for any bad weather

Whether your Uganda camping safari is in the traditional dry or wet season, it is always important to plan for any bad weather. For this reason, make sure to have packed warm layers (warm sweater, long sleeved shirts, and safari pants), an insect repellent, a safari hat, rainproof clothing, sunglasses for sun protection, gardening gloves, and many others.

Make sure your activities are planned in advance

Depending on which area you plan to Camp, it is important to first check out some of the activities you can undertake before leaving home. If Murchison falls National Park is your Camping destination, then you would consider taking part in game drives, nature/bush walks, bird watching, visit to the top of the falls, boat cruises and community walks.

Avoid pitching your Tent under a tree

While some travelers love it for the wonderful shade and photography opportunity, it is not advisable to pitch up your tent under a tree because of the numerous dangers associated with it. This can become a serious hazard during high winds, when branches fall off hence causing damage to the Tent or injuries. Also, nothing annoys like having to clean up bird droppings or tree sap off your Tent each morning.

Camping not too far from a water source if backpacking

Camp close to a River or Lake will be wonderful for gathering water for doing dishes, laundry, showering and even cooking, but first make sure the water is filtered or properly boiled before using it. However, make sure the tent is within a safe distance (at least 60 meters from the water source) and a raised surface for avoided coldness or any chance of flooding.

Don’t forget a basic first aid kit

Camping means being in the wilderness or Jungle, and therefore it is advisable to be prepared for whatever comes your way by carrying a basic first aid kit. You will need some plasters, bandages, antiseptic, Ibuprofen, and others. One thing you need to know is that accidents are common during Camping hence having the basics for cleaning and bandaging a wound would go a long away.

Practice setting your Tent while at home

You wouldn’t want last minute disappointment in the wilderness and therefore, another useful tip for Camping is practicing how to set up your tent while you are still at home. While the manual might indicate that setting takes 10 or 15 minutes, you will be surprised how difficult it becomes when you are out in the wilderness. Therefore, use your back yard or living room to practice to avoid last-minute disappointment.

Prepare campfire-friendly foods ahead of time

Camping doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy a proper meal and this doesn’t mean you need a big kitchen. For this reason, you are free to pack some baked beans, rice, chicken, beef, Irish potatoes, and others but make sure that it is planned in advance. For instance, if you intend to enjoy beef kabobs, It is important to have it all set ahead of time to make preparation easier during Camping.

Make use of Campsite amenities

It will interest you to know that some Campsites in Uganda provide amenities like clean restrooms, showers, a level ground for pitching your tent, Wi-Fi and fire pits among others. Just make use of these amenities for your comfort hence less stress during your trip.

Carry some games of any other kind of entertainment

Most times, Camping is accompanied by hiking the nearby hills, swimming if the Campsite is close to water (like Lake Bunyonyi) but don’t forget that it is also possible to have a downtime during Camping and for this reason, carry some games to fill up the gaps. You can pack some cards, board games and entertainment during Campfires.






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