Tanzania Safari

Top 5 Destinations to Enjoy an African Safari

SOUTH AFRICA You can opt for the Private Game Reserves in Timbavati and Sabie Sands are without rival if you want to see the Big Five. You will get excellent luxury lodges at Thornybush in the Timbavati Game Reserve and Mala Mala, Sangita, Sabi Sabi in the Sabie Sands Game Reserve.

Kruger National Park, with a well maintained road system; it’s perfect for self-drive African Safaris. Not very expensive compared to others, plus the smooth roads, it is ideal for elderly, families with young children, who may not cope with the rough off-road conditions. Meals and accommodation are perfect. All structures are superb.

Min-buses are ideal for self-drive African Safaris. Escorted bush walks by rangers. Open four wheel-drive vehicles are popular for game drives.

BOTSWANA The Chobe National Park, Okavango Delta and Moremi Game Reserve support extensive varieties of wildlife. It is easy to extend your African Safaris from South Africa into Botswana.

NAMIBIA The rallying point for your African Safaris in Namibia is the Etosha National Park. The onset of the dry season after the flooding of the giant salt pans, forces wildlife to congregate around waterholes and natural springs; creates wonderful vantage points from where you can view game.

TANZANIA Ngorongoro From the rare rhino, wildebeest, zebra, lion and elephants; you will find them in the world’s largest intact caldera.

Serengeti Endless plains and teeming animals. No where in the world can you find the same concentration of grazers.

UGANDA Bwindi forest national park which is a great place for the gorilla trekking, good for watching forest elephants and buffaloes. Queen Elizabeth national park for the tree climbing lions and other wildlife animals to bird watching, Murchison falls national park for wild animals, see the magnificent falls and have a boot cruise down the falls. Lake Bunyonyi national park good for bird watching with thousands of flamingos.

KENYA Amboseli National Park With a magnificent view of the Roof of Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli is renowned for huge elephants.Masai Mara known for the annual wildebeest spectacle in July and August. A destination not to omit from your African Safari options.You will not forget your Africa Safari adventure, whether it is your first time or whether it is your nth safari; for the simple reason that the options are staggering. ZAMBIA The environment from which you watch the wildlife plays a very important role. Watching a Lion in Etosha is the same as watching it in Ngorongoro crater. When the bush is still green, you can not think it will be the sun-scorched, just a few moths later. Dried river beds scattered with trees from the previous torrents. The call of the fishing Eagle seems out of tune, but it will patiently wait. You are in Luangwa Valley, Zambia

The majesty of Mount Kirimanjaro will stop you in your tracks. The clouds hide its middle part, giving you the impression that the crown is floating. Its size reduces you to your proper size. Quite minute indeed. When you come within a certain distance, you feel the latent, unseen force which put this phenomenon in place. While you are assimilating the forces which were at play in the distant eons; then appears a herd of elephants. You feel doubly humbled by another type of creation majesty. Giraffe, zebra, antelope, buffalo, wildebeest and elephant. Big Game country, this is Amboseli, Kenya.

Unaware, elephants paint themselves. You have to see them to believe it. If the water is scarce to have a decent bath, the elephants will wallow in mud to cool themselves and get rid of some parasites. If the mud is the usual colour, you would not be surprised, but it may chance to be red or pink! The perfect environment and setting is Tsavo, Kenya.

You would not expect grass eaters in a wind blown environment, covered in sand and dusty; not to mention the heat. You will be astounded by the number of wildlife supported in this harsh environment. Find out how such big numbers of animals survive in such an environment. There is no other place like it in Africa. This is Etosha, Namibia.






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